Well, it's January. I don't really have much to say about the beginning of all years except that thing called a "New Year's Resolution". So I wanted to make a New Year's Resolution. And I know I probably won't be able to do most of them, but I'll try anyway. I just want to look back at all of this one day and not cringe. I don't know if that's possible, but maybe it is.
That being said, my New Year's Resolutions are...
1) Make an animation I'm actually proud of.
2) Try to be less cringy than I was last year.
3) Get and finish a sketchbook. ( cuz' I rarely finish books that are used for drawing )
4) Read more books than I did last year. ( cuz' I gotta' )
5) Make a story I'm actually proud of.
....And looking back at my last New Year's Resolutions, most of them seem pretty normal to me, like the "Read more books thing" which I didn't even do ( I wanted to read 125 books and I didn't even keep count of them ;_; ) , but what I actually did that I'm proud of today is the "Try to compose digital music" resoulution. I guess that's kind of all from me today, see ya'!